Thursday, July 31, 2014

New Look, New Feel


So the blog is going through maintenance. My sister and I are trying out a new look. We are trying very hard to revamp the blog, so if you have any suggestions comment and let us know. Honestly, I'm digging the colors but something is missing. Hmmmmm....????

Monday, July 28, 2014

Comic-con 2014 Happenings...*sigh*

Although my bro and I sadly could not attend Comic-con 2014 in San Diego this year (due to the epic fail of the ticketing process), here is a great article by The Verge talking about what went down in Comic-con heaven:

32 things you need to watch, read, and know from Comic-Con 2014

Hopefully my bro and I will get our chance next year! Bryce, we will not fail!!!

update: More greatness from SDCC posted on Buzzfeed...

The 21 Most Amazing Things That Happened At Comic-Con This Year


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sooooo lets talk about Korra

Hello Hello Hello!!

Its been awhile.... Sooooooooo Jeneen lets talk....

Ok, I am really feeling Avatar Legend of Korra season 3 "Change." Its SOOOO GOOOOOOD. I can not explain how excited i am for watching the new episodes. I'm pissed that my DVR is acting up recording them. SMH the struggle continues. But in all seriousness this season is going hard. For those who have not yet seen this season or have not watch the series. Your Slacking. There are so many elements (no pun intended) that I wanna speak about so yeah this is gonna be a long convo lol.

1) Can we all give it up to my main man, my boy VERIK!!!! Once I seen him I had the same expression as Bolin.

Just seeing him made me so happy lol. The man has style and is by far one of my favorite characters.  Jeneen I know your thinking I'm dumb but ... BUMP YOU !!!! HES DOPE. Also,  I can identify with him... I am to Verik as Julie is to Brittany.. (Shout out to Brittany)...But, Verik also in recent episodes tends to be the key to get others to think outside the box. Making him a pivotal character in the series giving it the charm it needs. Other characters with such charm also adore my man i.e. Bolin, Sokka if he was around, I bet even Toph would enjoy the man ... He's just all around great.

2) I love that they are going into depth about metal bending. Such a great concept and creating a colony for metal benders.
I love how they did it, making it Tophs village. Marked by metal flowers and the "safest place in the world" soo cool. Oh yeah and Verik just happen to be chill in there ... Win, win situation lol.  They are truly going into a lot more of the core of what Korra is and the world around her. And for that I thank you. Bringing back older characters, introducing new characters, and discussing the mark that the older characters made in the world to bring it to what it is today. 

3) Can we please speak about the concept of harmonic convergence and how it dramatically affected the world not only wight he spirits but with the AIR BENDERS!!!!... sry spoilers ..... But that's soo dope ... air benders are back and Kai it my dude ... I am a strong fan of Kai he has a lot of swag but also his relationship with tenzons' daughter ... lovely .... 

4) The villains tho!!!!! Jeneen the villains of this season are beast. The water bender is a beast and the fact that she has no arms just is so great :::stands and gives a round of applause::: 

The lava bender. I haven't even heard of that. So technically he is a fire/earth bender.. or is he .... like together their a beast squad and I'm just so happy with how this season is going..... Korra is my shyt tire now.