Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Arrow is Raw?

Sooo who seen lasts nights RAW? I am and have been a wrestling fan for awhile now. I got back into it once Brock Lesner came back to the WWE. Because, [paul hayman voice] BRRRROOCCCKKKK LESNERRRRRR, IS A BEAST!!!! Anyways, last nights edition of RAW was very interesting to say the least. If your are a avid Arrow fan and follow Stephen Amell on Twitter, or his Instagram, or even just watch WWE; you knew he would be the special guest on last nights show. Since the announcement on WWE the plot was set. STARDUST (GoldDusts' brother aka Cody Rhodes) has been building a plot line/ rivalry revolving around comic book heroes. Continually, asking the question, "who will be my hero?"  and stating the phrase "embrace the weird". Creating a very Joker-esc identity known as The Prince of Dark Matter. So here we have our villain. This gave way to a lovely rivalry with the new found "superhero" from NXT (a stepping stone show for new wrestlers trying to get into the main show) Neville aka Red Arrow. As Stardust continues to try to find his hero, this set the stage for Amell. There has been banter between Amell and Stardust building tensions between them via Twitter. This was done not only to set the stage but to also build relevance and popularity for the event last night.  The banter was nothing more than silly talk and threats more toward Neville and referencing Amell.

Now, the real shocker is what happens once he was there. Amell decided to sitting in the audience, with the fans as a fan for the whole night. While watching the King Barrett vs Neville (Red Arrow) match this is what happened.

Stephen Amell has hops!! Once this happened Twitter, social media, and the WWE Universe lit up.Amell jumping the rope, speared Stardust, then continually punched him the face. This was sports entertainment done well. After the altercation Triple HHH (the CEO) spoke to Amell. Setting up the stage for something both WWE fans and Arrow fans would enjoy. 

Yup, another event for SummerSlam. Stephen Amell & Neville vs King Barrett and Stardust. I think this was a successful crossover of both franchises. Using the WWE stage, to create a storyline that keeps to the ideas of the comic book heroes, and the concepts within the Green Arrow storyline. Having Arrow himself team up with his known sidekick, but WWE version, Red Arrow (in the Green Arrow franchise also known as Speedy or Arsenal). This past Mondays event, definitely had all WWE and Arrow fans going crazy. I know I was entertained.I also enjoy the fact slowly WWE is going back to its roots and having celebrities involved in the franchise and shows. In the past this has been done with many different celebrities including Floyd Mayweather, Donald Trump, and many more. It has been awhile since this has happened so bringing that aspect back to the WWE is nice to see. And, it couldn't have been done at a better time. Superheros are very popular right now among pop culture. So I give my kudos, to the WWE writers for incorportaing this fad into their franchise. I am sure children and nerds alike are entertained by the tale of, The Price of Dark Matter. But, there will still never be a WWE hero as super as my man: THE HURRICANE. But, lets see what happens at SummerSlam in two weeks. :::Side note:: Am I the only one that thinks Stephens Amells' voice is awkwardly high? lol. Just a thought.
Tell me what you think comment or hit me on twitter.

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