Monday, August 10, 2015

Heroes Reborn? Wait, I just started Heroes!

In recent months, many things has been catching my attention. From social issues, to popular culture, and personal matters. My attention has been wavering so it has been awhile since I have been able to grab a rice ball and talk about whats going on.  So, to my nerds, blerds, and geeks alike we have much to discuss. This past winter during the Superbowl. I noticed a fan favorite that everyone has been talking about since the commercial aired.  HEROES REBORN. The Super Bowl showed a trailer to the return of such a great TV show. Yes, I know I am horribly late. But, there is a reason I am talking about this now.

:::::::::::::::::::::::SPOILER ALERT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT WATCHED THE SHOW:::::::::::::::::::::::

Before the times of GOT, ARROW, The Flash, and the rise of Netflix original series there was Heroes. I for one was not into the show. Being such a nerd, it was weird to why I wasn't into it. However, the last turtle crosses the finish line. I have recently just began the series and its good. Finishing the season, what I find most interesting are the concepts int he show.  But, what is most interesting to this show (again only on season 2). The first aspect to the show I like is the abilities "powers". As, any superhero, sci-fic show you look at powers and think which ones you would have. But Heroes has taken a different take on this concept. Yes, you have your basic powers (e.i flight, mind reading, invisibility etc...) But what is most interesting is the type of new abilities that are introduced. The power to understand how things work and adapt that ability. This is what makes the main villain (Sylar) so interesting. Is he evil? Yes, that's basic. But, the type of evil he is is interesting. Why his power is relevant is even better. If your ability was to understand and adapt would you know to look at the brain to gain power? Concepts like this makes the show intriguing. Also, the show takes on a very real world view to super-heroism. A plus is the show is more gory than I thought it would be. Many superhero tales or people with powers has a very superhero-esc feel to the story base. This is not the case with Heroes. The symbolism used for different characters I appreciate. The roach with Sylar, or the fact that "Jessica"(Nikki) kills by splitting her victims in two halves etc.. its all very well done.

So far, the biggest the weakness I found in the show was that the main protagonist, Peter,  is only relevant due to the stories of the other characters. Yes, he has his own story base but his is the link to making the plot relevant.  A full circle kind of tale. As much as I wish they kept all the people with powers as individuals they all cross paths early in the show due to necessity. It would have been cool if each "hero" had their own story base and you seen their growth through the progressing storyline. Then in time unite them to a main plot. Another fun aspect to the show is guessing who is a  hero and who is a villain. This may be a basic idea, but the show does not tell which is which except for  selected characters:  Hiro, Sylar, and Peters' personal intention. The ambiguity to this leaves a open plot to shape almost any character any way. This makes the show entertaining as well. Overall so far I am enjoying the show. Hit me on twitter tell me what you think.


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